Premenopause: symptoms, ailments and natural remedies

Premenopause is that period in a woman’s life that anticipates the actual menopause phase, that is, the end of fertility and the disappearance of the menstrual cycle. The symptoms and ailments that affect you are different. What to do if you are in premenopause? How does it manifest itself? What are the natural remedies? Let’s find out more about it.

What are the symptoms and disorders of premenopause? What are the natural remedies? The end of the fertile period in a woman’s life is equivalent to the beginning of the state known as ” menopause “: it is at this moment that the definitive disappearance of menstruation takes place, although these do not disappear suddenly, but gradually and it is in this circumstance that we speak of “premenopause”. What to do if you are in premenopause? How does it manifest itself? Let’s find out more about it.

  1. What is premenopause
  2. Symptoms and ailments
  3. The causes
  4. The diagnosis
  5. Natural remedies
  6. The prognosis

What is premenopause

Menopause is not a pathology, but represents that period in a woman’s life in which the loss of ovarian follicular function occurs, which involves the end of the menstrual cycle and, therefore, its definitive absence: this marks the end of the activity. reproductive and, therefore, the impossibility of conceiving a child. During menopause, the female sex hormones produced by the body also undergo a significant decline: these are estrogens and progestogens, the decrease of which causes the onset of the typical symptoms of menopause.

Generally, the onset of menopause occurs between 45 and 55 years of age : when this occurs before the age of 40, we speak of premature menopause ; while, if it occurs after the age of 55, it is a question of late menopause . It should be specified that, before the onset of menopause, there is a period in which the menstrual cycle does not completely disappear – to be in menopause, you need an absence of menstrual flow for at least 1 consecutive year – but it begins to be quite irregular: it is in this case that we speak of “premenopause” , that is the phase preceding the occurrence of menopause which can last from a few months to 10 years.

READ ALSOMenopause: symptoms, consequences and remedies

Symptoms and ailments

How does premenopause manifest itself? Symptoms and complaints can be different and vary from person to person. Symptoms may include:

  • Irregular menstrual cycle and cases of spotting ;
  • Hot flushes ;
  • Sleep disturbances ;
  • Weight gain ;
  • Night sweats
  • Depression ;
  • Decreased sexual desire
  • Vaginal dryness ;
  • Pain during sexual intercourse ;
  • Urinary incontinence ;
  • Irritability ;
  • Mood swings;
  • Anxiety ;
  • Chronic stress ;
  • Breast pain ;
  • Migraine ;
  • Chronic fatigue ;
  • Dryness of the skin .

It is important to remember that, during this phase, the woman who wishes to become pregnant can become pregnant : during this period, the woman’s body continues, however, to secrete sex hormones.

The causes

The causes of premenopause are completely natural: this is due, in fact, to the loss of ovarian follicular function, which marks the end of reproductive activity. Premenopause is the phase in which the ovaries begin to produce less estrogen and a progressive slowdown of the activity concerning the female reproductive organs occurs: this phenomenon begins between 40 and 50 years of age on average, but can also occur after the 35 years.

The diagnosis

When signs and symptoms appear, it is advisable to contact your doctor and / or gynecologist who – through a series of analyzes and tests – will be able to establish a diagnosis and prescribe the most suitable therapy for the specific case. In addition to the medical examination and the study of symptoms, further in-depth tests may be useful to exclude or confirm the presence of any pathologies.

Natural remedies

What to do in case of premenopausal syndrome? You can use some natural remedies for mild symptoms. Generally speaking, it’s about making some simple lifestyle changes and therefore:

  1. Follow a healthy diet: consume lots of fruits and vegetables and foods rich in calcium, vitamin D , fiber and antioxidants; instead, avoid foods rich in fats, sugars and fried foods. Foods rich in phytoestrogens – such as flax seeds and soy – can be helpful in balancing the reduction of female hormones.
  2. Exercise: it is important to avoid a sedentary lifestyle and stay active to counteract the symptoms of premenopause and maintain your weight by strengthening bones and muscles.
  3. Avoid bad habits: it is advisable not to smoke, not to drink alcohol or excess caffeine and to get enough sleep, that is at least 8 hours a night.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe vitamin and mineral supplements or certain medications, such as low-dose estrogen birth control pills or progesterone injections for some of the symptoms of premenopause. To stabilize mood, anxiolytic and antidepressant medications may be helpful . It is important to remember that the doctor alone decides the type of medication, the duration and the dose of treatment.

The prognosis

Finally, the prognosis of premenopause will depend on certain factors, such as the timeliness of intervention, the triggering causes, the age and state of health of the patient. It should be remembered, however, that the results may only concern the symptomatology, as it is an irreversible condition.

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