5 reasons why Windows 8 will be better than Windows 7

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When it comes to operating systems, it’s Microsoft across all segments. Without a doubt, Windows has improved with every release released in recent years. Microsoft understands the operating system better than anyone else, and does everything almost perfectly to impress users.

Everyone knows that Microsoft’s Windows 7 strategy has been great. Microsoft claims to be the best-selling operating system ever made.

Windows 8 is a reimagining of Windows, from chip to interface. Now, with the ability to switch between the traditional Windows interface and the new “Metro” style, Windows 8 Touch has the ability to do just that.

We’ve done some comparison here that leads us to believe that Windows 8 will outperform Windows 7, making it the best selling operating system ever made.

That’s why:

  1. Suitable for tablets

In this era of tablets, the reason for the failure and success of the tablet still lingers in the operating system. iPad is sold because of the brand name and its operating system. With Windows 8, a tablet-friendly operating system, vendors would like to opt for Windows 8 because of its smooth and elegant touch experience. In fact, Windows 8 tablets might even take over the iPad’s share.

  1. More efficient resource than Windows 7

Launch Task Manager and you will see a resource sharing graph showing resource usage. Windows 7 is efficient and stable when it comes to resource utilization. Much can be expected from Windows 8. Microsoft successfully demonstrated the Lenovo S10 netbook loaded with Windows 8 , working like a miracle, even though it had 1GB of RAM.

  1. Security

Windows 7 is considered a secure operating system. Subsequently, Microsoft has undoubtedly improved security. Windows 8 can be more secure across all segments such as networking, web browsing, sharing, and cloud integration.

  1. ARM compatibility

These are advanced technologies from Microsoft. Steve Ballmer of CES this year said Windows 8 will support ARM-based devices . Microsoft has been making it clear for months that the next version of the operating system will support SoC (system-on-a-chip) architecture, specifically ARM-based systems from partners such as Qualcomm, Nvidia and Texas Instruments. In turn, this will give Microsoft more options for packaging Windows into tablets and more mobile form factors, which are currently the main market for ARM offerings.

  1. Application store

Last but not least, the app store can be the winner of the game. Apple already has such a giant store loaded with an app for the Mac operating system. The Windows app store in Windows 8 may outperform Windows 7.

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