How To Create A Facebook Page

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Would you like to advertise your website or business on social networks? Well, that sounds like a really good idea to me. Nowadays, the best method to promote an activity is, precisely, to create a “fan” page on Facebook and animate it daily with contents that refer – in a more or less direct way – to the site or activity to be advertised. So how about creating a Facebook page and inviting all your visitors / customers to put a nice “like” on it?

How do you say? Does it seem like a great idea but you don’t know where to start? But rest assured! I can give you a hand to complete this “enterprise”. It is much simpler than you imagine. All you have to do is connect to Facebook using your personal account and follow the instructions below. In no time at all you will have a public page where you can promote your content, discuss freely with other friends and, if you want, sell products or services. All free.

Then? Ready to get started? Yup? Very good! Let’s ban the chatter, roll up your sleeves and spend a few minutes of your precious free time reading this tutorial. I am sure that in the end you will be able to tell yourself more than satisfied with the results obtained.


  • How to create a personal Facebook page
    • From smartphones and tablets
    • From computer
  • How to create a Facebook page without a profile
  • How to create a business Facebook page
    • From smartphones and tablets
    • From computer
  • How to create a Facebook page to sell
  • How to create a Facebook page from the profile

How to create a personal Facebook page

If you agree, let’s get straight to the point and see how to create a personal Facebook page : the right choice if you want to make yourself known on the well-known social network and do not strictly need to monetize online.

Deciding to open a personal Facebook page can be an excellent solution to spread your ideas, share information or your blog posts , make your passion known. Follow the instructions and you will see that creating it will be easy both from smartphones and tablets, and from a computer.

From smartphones and tablets

To proceed from a smartphone or tablet, you must use the official Facebook app available both for Android devices (downloadable from the Play Store or from alternative stores on devices without Google services), and for iOS / iPadOS . To proceed, then install the app in question on your device (if you don’t know how, read my guide on how to install Facebook ) and log in to your account (if you don’t know how to move, read my guide on how access Facebook ) then presses the button () and first select the item Pages [ N ] Pages and then that(+) Create from the screenshots that are shown to you.

At this point, tap the Start button , type the name you want to assign to the page, press the Next button and first select the category to which it belongs and then a subcategory from the appropriate drop-down menu that appears at the bottom. Once this is done, click on the Next button to go to the next step.

The next step is to enter a reference website for the Facebook page: if you want to proceed, type the site address in the appropriate text field and click Next . Otherwise, if you want to skip the step, press the Skip item located at the top right.

At this point, you have to choose whether to add a profile image for the page, by pressing the appropriate button, or to skip the step, by pressing the appropriate item located at the top right. The same goes for the cover image , for which a request will be made on the next screen. Mission accomplished! Now all you have to do is press the Finish button and you can start managing your new Facebook page.

As seen in the procedure for creating Facebook pages from a computer, before welcoming the public to your new page, I advise you to complete all the information relating to the latter by following the advice you find in the Next important steps box , including the compilation of the Information section , through which you can modify and enter information such as the name of the page , your username , the reference website , the description , contact details , the addition of a call to action button , etc. .

Once your page is complete, you can easily manage it and monitor its progress by installing the Facebook Business Suite application for Android devices from the Play Store (or at an alternative store , if you do not have Google services), or from the App Store for iOS / iPadOS .

If you want even more details on the subject, read my guides on how to create a Facebook page from your mobile and how to manage a Facebook page .

To increase the number of “likes” and promote the page within the social network, instead, consult my guide on how to increase likes on Facebook .

From computer

Creating a Facebook page is an operation that can be carried out without any kind of problem from all devices that allow it: here are the instructions to learn how to create a Facebook page from your computer .

To begin with, open the browser with which you usually surf the Net (eg Chrome ), connect to the official Facebook site and log in to your account by filling in the appropriate fields. If by chance you don’t have a Facebook profile, read my guide on how to register on Facebook .

When you are inside your Facebook profile, go to the menu on the left and click on Pages , then, on the next screen, choose Create new page and fill in the Information form on the page , taking care to indicate in the appropriate text fields the name to be assigned to it and its category . Also write a description about what the page is about and press the Create Page button .

Now click the Add Profile Picture button and upload the profile photo you intend to use for the newly created page. Then do the same thing for the cover photo as well , by clicking on the Add cover image button and uploading the photo of your interest. In conclusion, click on the Save button at the bottom left.

At this point you can say you are satisfied: you have just managed to complete the whole procedure by which to create a Facebook page, congratulations! Now all you have to do is complete the page information. The first thing I recommend you to do is create a username for the page (in order to allow users to more easily remember its address, send messages and find it within Facebook). To do this, click on the Create @username link , write it in the text field in the box that appeared on the screen and then click on the Create username button in it.

Another basic operation that I invite you to do is to add a button on the page. To do this, click on the blue button (+) Add a button , click on the action you want to assign to the button (eg. Follow , Book now , Call now , etc.), provide the necessary information to complete the action (eg . website , mobile number , etc.) and then click on the Save button .

Once you have created the page, you may want to have some advice on how to make your content known: for this, read my guide on how to spread a Facebook page .

How to create a Facebook page without a profile

The “social life” does not appeal to you, but for some reason you need to create a page on the well-known Mark Zuckerberg service, so you would like to know how to create a Facebook page without a profile , without having to register: unfortunately I have no good news for you.

To date, in fact, it is not possible to proceed with the direct creation of a page on Facebook without it being connected to a personal profile: even if you wanted to try, you would still be sent back to the phase of creating a profile directly connected to your identity. After all, think about it, this is also a way to make the service safer.

How to create a business Facebook page

In case you have a company, or if a company has asked you to manage its online presence on social networks, what you are certainly interested in knowing is how to create a company Facebook page . Well, the procedure is almost identical to that seen above for the creation of the personal page , but you will have to select an appropriate category for the company and enter your company information instead of your personal ones: here are all the details.

From smartphones and tablets

You are always on the go, even when you work, so you need instructions on how to create a company Facebook page from smartphones and tablets .

The first step you need to take is to log in to your personal Facebook profile , through the social network app .

Once you have logged into your profile, touch the menu icon and, in the screen that opens, scroll the new menu to Pages , then tap the corresponding box. Now, in the tab visible on the display, choose the Create item located at the top and, in the following screen, touch the Start item . In the appropriate field, type the name chosen for the page, then tap the Next button .

The next steps concern the choice of a category that identifies the company, the possible insertion of the link that leads to its website , the personalization of the profile image and the cover image , the possibility of connecting an important instant messaging tool. to the company page, such as WhatsApp . You can also create a Call to Action button , in order to encourage interaction from users and start sharing messages and content.

For all the details of the procedure, read my guide on how to create a business Facebook page .

Since you may also find it useful to know how to create a business Facebook page , I remind you to download the Facebook Business Suite app , as explained in the previous chapter . At this point, read my guide on how to manage a business Facebook page to reap all the benefits of the case.

If your intention is to grow traffic and followers of your business page, as well as advertise products or services, you will need to put some budget aside in order to publish sponsored posts and attempt to beat the competition. So you will also need another app connected to Facebook services: these are Facebook Ads , downloadable from the Play Store and alternative stores , for Android devices , while you can find the same app under the name Ads Manager on the App Store for iOS / iPadOS . At this point, to understand how to best use it, read my guide on how Facebook Ads works .

Social networks like Facebook, nowadays, can represent a great opportunity to start or increase your business: of course, no one gives anything to anyone, but if you commit yourself and constantly take care of your page, it may be that you will get of good results, or at least I hope so and I suggest you read my guide on how to create a successful Facebook page.

From computer

You are already sitting at your desk and what you want is to understand how to create a business Facebook page from a computer : no problem.

As you may have already guessed, you will have to start by connecting to the official Facebook site and, at this point, create a personal profile, if you do not already have one, or log in to your account: read the previous chapter in case of doubts or problems .

This done, go to the side menu on the left, within your personal area and click on the item Pages , then on the page that opens, select the wording Create new page and fill in the fields concerning the name of the page , the category membership, enter a description , the ‘ cover picture and the’ profile picture . Now you can follow the instructions I gave you in the previous paragraph, dedicated to smartphones and tablets , which can be easily replicated in the procedure for creating the company page from a PC.

I remind you that, even working from the computer to manage the pages and any paid advertisements, you will have to use the Facebook Business Suite tool , which, at the time of writing, is also accessible from the Pages screen you opened at the beginning of this procedure. For more information, read my guide on how to use Facebook .

Finally, if you care about your online reputation and want to make it clear to users that yours is an authentic Facebook page, read my guide on how to make a Facebook page official .

How to create a Facebook page to sell

The opportunities that Facebook makes available to its users are so many: do you want to know how to create a Facebook page to sell ? I’ll explain it to you right away.

First of all, the basic requirement that will allow you to get to work and understand how to create a Facebook page of a business is to have a personal Facebook profile .

Having said that, you will need to actually connect the Facebook page to your personal profile: given the fact that your goal is to sell products or services, I suggest you read the previous chapter, in reference to how to create a company Facebook page .

Now, I can tell you that another important, but not mandatory, prerogative to make the most of the sales opportunities on social networks is to have an e-commerce site ready: Facebook, in fact, allows you to synchronize your online store with yours. Facebook page and with a connected Instagram company profile , since the well-known social network dedicated to photos and videos is also owned by Facebook. In this regard, also read my guide on how to sell on Instagram .

My suggestion, in case you intend to open your own online store, is to use the Shopify platform : simple and intuitive to use, it includes the immediate possibility of connecting the sales catalog to your Facebook page.

To activate Shopify, after connecting to the official website and registering for the service, you will need to subscribe to a monthly subscription plan, based on your sales needs: there are three proposed plans. The Basic Shopify one includes the ability to create an e-commerce website with an integrated blog and to take advantage of online marketplaces and social media as sales channels, at a cost of $ 29 per month , then there is the plan called Shopify , which in addition to the advantages offered by the previous plan, it offers the possibility to connect up to 5 staff accounts to the profile, to integrate gift vouchers and receive advanced reporting data, at a cost of $ 79 per month , finally, for already highly developed needs, there is planAdvanced Shopify , which allows you to connect 15 staff accounts and show the calculation of shipping rates directly at checkout, at a cost of $ 299 per month .

To find out more about the services included in each plan, find more info here . If, on the other hand, you want to know in detail how to proceed to create your sales channel with this platform, read my guide on how to create an ecommerce with Shopify .

Returning, however, to the information regarding how to create a Facebook page of a shop , you must know that to do so you will simply have to join the Facebook Shops service , a set of tools designed for businesses that wish to try the so-called social commerce , i.e. the sale of products on social pages. To find out more and start using this great opportunity, read my guides on how Facebook Shops works and how to create a Facebook Showcase (the service was formerly called Facebook Showcase and many still know it like this), where you I also explain how to connect an e-commerce to Facebook.

If you want to get some interesting ideas or inspiration, I also suggest you read my guide to the best Facebook pages .

How to create a Facebook page from the profile

Would you like to use the contents already present on your personal Facebook profile as the basis for your page on the social network? So you want to know how to create a Facebook page from the profile ? Here’s what I can tell you about it.

First of all, you must know that, if until some time ago it was possible to use a Facebook tool for direct data migration, from the personal profile to the Facebook page, today this procedure is no longer available. However, it is possible to move in other ways, more “manual” but still effective: to know the useful details to reach your goal, read my guide on how to turn a profile into a Facebook page.

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