How to fix a failed New World transaction with error code 408?

The failed transaction with the 408 New World code is a problem that has been continuously generated in the game for some time now, this error code indicates an error with the use of the game store. Players who try to use the New World store  in the new Amazon MMO from time to time may run into a ” transaction status ” error message, which means that the purchases they have made have failed. despite having money in his virtual Steam wallet.

This error  appears in the attempt to buy by Mark of Fortune , it is important to know the fix for this error, since since the launch of New World there has been a large influx of players and this error makes things somewhat cumbersome, and that is the economy in New World is very important . This error can be caused mainly by server instability, although it can be related to other causes. Fortunately, Amazon support is not your only purchase option, there are a few fixes that manage to resolve the issue.

Index(  )

  1. Why am I getting the 408 error with New World transactions?
  2. What is the immediate solution for this error with New World transactions?
    1. Check your wallet with Steam
    2. Activate the Steam overlay
    3. Enable Steam Overlay
  3. When performing these actions on Steam, will I no longer get the 408 error for transactions?

Why am I getting the 408 error with New World transactions?

Marks of Fortune is the name of  the premium currency of the New World game , if you are one of those who know how to play and if you like to customize your game character, you will need many of these currencies. Marks of Fortune allow you to purchase cosmetic skins and other items for optimal in-game character development. This feature is often buggy and players are unable to purchase Marks of Fortune to purchase their items.

The 408 error is related to the information “Request Timeout” which means, in basic terms, that the request sent by the client to the web server has exceeded the waiting time allowed by said server. As a result of this, instead of producing a response, the browser receives the 408 error message. It should be noted that it may be due to problems with your internet connection, but there is also the alternative that it is due to an overload or a configuration error from the website .

What is the immediate solution for this error with New World transactions?

Normally, it is advisable to check if the player’s Steam wallet has enough credit to carry out the transaction, however, all users who have had this problem do have enough credit in their wallet, so this solution is ruled out. To solve this problem in New World  you choose to enable the Steam Overlay.

Check your wallet with Steam

Various alternatives are suggested for the solution of this transaction error, the first of which is to  check the Steam wallet . In New world you can make purchases in the store using real money from your Steam wallet.

Activate the Steam overlay

While you’re in the game, press the Shift + Tab keys and the Steam overlay should open  properly. Failure to do so means that the overlay is disabled and consequently players cannot make any transactions in the in-game store to purchase New World appearances or other things using real-world funds, as this must be done using the methods Steam billing. If the overlay is not working properly, please exit New world and reload the game.

Enable Steam Overlay

To enable Steam Overlay in New World when you are out of the game, go to ” Library ”, click on the “properties” button, “followed”, “general tab” and finally “enable Steam Overlay”. On the other hand, you can also activate the Steam Overlay while you are inside the game, you just have to press the Shift + Tab function.

When performing these actions on Steam, will I no longer get the 408 error for transactions?

The 408 error code after a failed New World transaction is believed to be related to connection problems between the store and the player’s computer. The fixes provided above are intended  to eliminate friction  between the store and the player’s computer. If the problem persists, you may need to check the router configuration or check port forwarding.

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