How To Fix ‘Getting your messages’ from Gmail on Android?

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Keeping your Gmail account synchronized with your Android device is a useful and fast way to receive your emails directly on your mobile, however there are times when they stop appearing in your inbox and you see the message that says’ Getting your messages’ making it impossible for you to find out if an important email has reached you or not.

For this reason, we will tell you what circumstances may be causing this system error and what are the possible solutions to face it to continue receiving your emails normally through the link between Gmail and your device.

Index(  )

  1. What generates the message ‘Getting your messages’ from Gmail?
    1. Little space on the device
    2. Cache conflicts
    3. Gmail sync failed
  2. How to free up space on Android device?
    1. Delete large files
    2. Get rid of unused programs
  3. How do you resolve a cache conflict?
    1. Cache cleaning from the Gmail app
  4. How is message synchronization verified?
  5. Is there another way to fix ‘Getting your messages?
    1. Check the network connection
    2. Update the app

What generates the message ‘Getting your messages’ from Gmail?

Sometimes your application may suffer some failures in its operation such as the common case of the Gmail notice has stopped or that you appear Getting your messages. Therefore, it is necessary to solve the problem of your Gmail account synchronized to your Android device taking into consideration different scenarios such as:

  • That you have covered a large part of the storage space of your device.
  • Problems related to the cache of some applications.
  • Possible failures in the synchronization of your Gmail account.

Little space on the device

One of the reasons that can influence the origin of the problem of obtaining Gmail messages is that you have occupied a large part of the memory of your Android device , that is, that you have little space on it. For this reason, it is advisable to constantly clean its applications , getting rid of large files, cache and data from little-used applications.

Cache conflicts

Keeping the cache accumulated within the same Gmail application can be considered counterproductive for the proper functioning of the same, therefore it is essential to frequently empty the application cache and thus enjoy its benefits without complications, but this conflict not only originates the Gmail cache, but the accumulation of the cache of all the applications that affect the memory of your Android device.

Gmail sync failed

If there are failures in the synchronization of your Gmail application with your Android device, it is likely that the notice of ‘Getting your messages’ will appear, since to receive your emails on your device and for the application to keep your inbox updated it is essential that the synchronization is activated and without any type of failures.

How to free up space on Android device?

One way to solve this situation of ‘Getting your messages’ is by freeing up space on your device, for this it is necessary that you clean the cache memory of it and of course that you delete large files located in the data of your applications, as well as reduce the programs or applications that you do not use, but that are there occupying a space that you could be needing.

Delete large files

It is recommended that you delete the largest files that you have saved on your device, since these are usually the heaviest and interfere with the operation of other applications. One of the ways to clean up space is to directly select files in your gallery that you don’t use, but that are quite heavy, such as videos, photos or documents.

On the other hand, you can delete heavy files and data from the largest applications with the space optimizer that your Android device has, following the steps indicated below:

  1. Locate on your main screen the space cleaner and optimizer identified in the shape of a shield.
  2. Click on the clean option.
  3. The cleaner will analyze your files and show you which ones you can clean.
  4. Re-select the “Clean” option that appears right next to each of the files to free up space.

Get rid of unused programs

If you want to get more space to improve the operation of other Apps such as Gmail, re-enter the aforementioned optimizer or cleaner and after pressing the “Clean” option, take advantage of it to show you the unused applications and programs. Select “clean” again and a list of applications that you do not use will be displayed. Select them and person “Delete” gaining more space for your Android device.

How do you resolve a cache conflict?

Conflicts with the cache in the applications can be quite annoying, as they interfere with the proper functioning of your device every time you want to access applications such as Gmail, for this reason it is necessary to clear the cache memory of your application from the configuration of your phone until entering the application.

Cache cleaning from the Gmail app

To clean the cache of your application, it is necessary to locate it within your device as follows:

  1. Click on the icon identified with the gear on your device that represents the settings or configuration.
  2. Choose the option called “Applications.”
  3. While in the applications area you will press the option “Applications” or “Manage applications”.
  4. Locate the Gmail application.
  5. Press the storage option.
  6. Select the option to empty cache.

It is possible that in your version of Android you do not observe the last option directly, in that case you will see “Clear data”, select it and to finish click on “Clear cache” and voila, you will have freed up space in your Gmail application to solve the conflict with the cache.

How is message synchronization verified?

The Gmail application offers you various options in its configuration of the appearance and security of the same, change of password , privacy and link with your device. As we have told you, it is important that you verify that your device is correctly synchronized with your Gmail, this is essential to avoid notices such as ‘Getting your messages’. To ensure that the synchronization is configured correctly, follow the process that we indicate below:

  1. Access the Gmail application on your Android device.
  2. Display the menu bar that you will see in the upper left.
  3. Locate the option “Settings” and select it.
  4. Click on the Gmail account whose link you want to verify.
  5. In the data usage line the option “Synchronize Gmail” must be activated.
  6. In case it is not activated, proceed to activate it and that’s it.

Is there another way to fix ‘Getting your messages?

If the problem persists, the previous ways to solve the problem of ‘Getting your messages’ have been exhausted, you can try to check the network connections that may be influencing the operation of the App and of course updating the application constantly.

Check the network connection

It is often necessary to check the speed of your internet connection, since if it is failing it may be influencing the problem to obtain Gmail messages. Consequently, a good internet connection is essential for you to effectively receive your emails on your Android device.

Update the app

In the same way, it is advisable to update the Gmail application constantly and verify if your phone is in airplane mode or proceed to restart it. Finally, it may be convenient to uninstall the Gmail application for a moment and reinstall it so that the moment it resumes its operation, it returns to normal and the notice of ‘Getting your messages’ disappears to start viewing your emails with total normality.

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