How to fix Netflix error code U7121-3202

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Some users have posted on the Microsoft support forum about the Netflix error code U7121-3202. That error arises when users try to play movies downloaded from Netflix.

The error message U7121-3202 says: Wow! Something went wrong… We are having trouble playing this title at the moment. This error usually arises in Windows 10 for users using Netflix with its UWP application or within a browser.

Contents index

  • How can I fix Netflix error code U7121-3202?
    • Run the Windows Store app troubleshooter
    • Delete and download the motion file again
    • Roll back a recent Windows 10 build update
    • Reinstall the Netflix UWP app
    • Update Silverlight for Internet Explorer 11

How can I fix Netflix error code U7121-3202?

1. Run the Windows Store app troubleshooter

  1. If you get the U7121-3202 error when using the Netflix UWP app, try running the Windows Store app troubleshooter. Click the Type here to search button on the Windows 10 taskbar to open its search utility.
  2. Then enter the solution of problems of keywords in the box Enter here to search.
  3. Select Troubleshoot configuration issues to open Settings as in the snapshot directly below.
  4. Select Windows Store Apps and click the Run the troubleshooter button .
  5. Review the troubleshooter’s suggested resolutions.

2. Delete and download the motion file again

  1. Netflix error code U7121-3202 is usually caused by movie titles now downloading correctly. To fix this, click the Menu button in the upper left corner of the Netflix app.
  2. Click My Downloads to open a list of downloaded movie titles.
  3. Click the edit button (pencil) in the upper right corner of Netflix.
  4. Then select to delete all movie titles.
  5. Click the Delete (bin) button to delete the selected movies.
  6. Thereafter, click on the Menu button and Available for download .
  7. You can then select the movies you deleted to download again.

3. Roll back a recent Windows 10 build update

  1. Some users have confirmed that they have fixed error U7121-3202 by rolling back their Windows 10 build updates. To do this, press the Windows key + S hotkey.
  2. Type keyword recovery in the search box.
  3. Click Recovery Options to open the Settings tab as in the snapshot directly below.
  4. Users can revert to a previous build version within 10 days of updating. Click the Get Started button under the Caption Go back to the previous version of Windows 10 .

4. Reinstall the Netflix UWP app

  1. Some users may need to reinstall their Netflix apps to fix error U7121-3202. Open the search box in Windows 10.
  2. Type app in the search utility.
  3. Click Apps & Features to open the Settings tab shown directly below.
  4. Select your Netflix app listed there.
  5. Click the Uninstall button .
  6. Restart Windows before reinstalling Netflix.
  7. Click Get on the Netflix app page .

5. Update Silverlight for Internet Explorer 11

If you see Netflix error code U7121-3202 when using Internet Explorer 11, try updating Silverlight. Click Install for Windows on the Silverlight web page . Then open the Silverlight installer to install the latest version.

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