How to free up “Other” space on the iPhone

The memory on your iPhone is insufficient and iTunes indicates that the “ Other ” section is getting bigger and bigger? Keep calm! In this article we will explain what the “Other” portion on your iPhone and we will see above all how to free up “Other” space on the iPhone .

You can check the space available on your iPhone, by going to  Settings , then to  General  and then to  iPhone Free Space ; at this point a bar will appear. The bar in question is a graph showing how much memory is occupied and by what. In particular, you will see different portions: Apps , Photos , Multimedia files , Mail and finally, there it is, the Other portion .

At this point you may be wondering what this famous “Other” indicates, so we want to spend a few lines and explain you in detail. The name “Other” encompasses several things that eat up Gigabytes of memory, some are necessary for your iPhone to work, others can be safely deleted to free up the memory. In particular, the “Other” portion comprises: Siri Voices , the device settings , VoiceOver data , File System and the File Cache .

Before continuing, since each deleted bit will correspond to a message, an email and more that you can no longer recover, we recommend that you make a backup . Now let’s get to the point and see what operations allow, in the vast majority of cases, to free up the “Other” space on the iPhone .

Content index

  1. Check for Updates
  2. Safari cache
  3. App cache
  4. Cache Mail
  5. Message Cache
  6. Large Attachments Posts
  7. Delete unused Siri entries
  8. Last attempt

Check for Updates

A first aspect to check to ensure that the “Other” space is freed is to check if there are any updates to be made. To check if a new version of iOS has been released you will have to go to Settings , then select the General item and immediately after Software Update . If there are any updates that are not installed on this screen, you will need to download and install them.

Safari cache

The first thing to do is to go to  Settings , then press on  Safari  and, immediately after, tap on  Clear website data and history . The option to delete the Reading List data may also appear , if this happens then do that too

App cache

Depending on the applications you may have the possibility to clear the local cache , which is the space occupied by the momentary data . For example, in the case of Facebook, just open the application, go to  Settings and privacy , press on Settings , immediately after on  Browser and finally tap on Clear browsing data . However, there are apps that do not allow you to carry out this procedure; in this case you will have to uninstall the app and reinstall it, but this will most likely also lead to the loss of personal settings and saves. Following the procedure that we have previously indicated, or going to  Settings, by tapping on  General  and then on iPhone free space , you can also view the apps that occupy the most memory; the latter are in fact ordered according to the space they occupy.

Cache Mail

You can clear the cache of the Mail app. To carry out this procedure go to  Settings , then tap on  Password and account  and choose an email account. At this point you will have to press on  Delete account . The credentials will be deleted and you just need to enter them again. In case you use the POP3 system instead of IMAP, be careful because, if you have not saved your emails, they will be deleted.

Message Cache

Downloading an email or an iMessage in Messages and then downloading content such as audio, photos and so on inevitably impacts the memory of your iPhone. Just to remedy this problem from iOS 11 onwards, a new feature has been introduced that allows you to perform an automatic cleaning . To take advantage of this feature you will need to enable it, so you will have to go to  Settings , press on  Messages , then on Keep messages  and finally you will have to tap on  1 year . At this point, all messages older than one year will be automatically deleted.

Large Attachments Posts

There is a procedure that allows you to identify large attachments received through Messages, so as to delete them. You will have to go to  Settings , then tap on  General  and then on  iPhone Free Space . At this point, press on the item  Messages and select the option  Review the largest attachments .

Delete unused Siri entries

To free up “Other” space on your iPhone, you can delete unused Siri voices. To do this you will have to go to the Settings , then tap on Accessibility , then VoiceOver . At this point you will have to press on Voice , then select Voices and click on Siri . Here, all you have to do is delete the items you don’t use.

Last chance

There is one last attempt you can make in case none of the above procedures have helped you solve the problem. In fact, you can press on  Enable  under the item  Remove app you do not use , always following the procedure that leads you to  iPhone free space . If this does not help you, you can try, by making a backup , a restore  of your device.

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