How to normalize audio volume in VLC

If a top 3 media player were made, the VLC player would be within that top, as it brings very good things to those who use it . With this player you can open videos of any format, take screenshots of the video you are watching, view videos frame by frame and other things.

To best enjoy the audio of the videos and songs you listen to in VLC, you need to learn how to stabilize the volume . Next, we will show you how to normalize the audio volume in VLC, what are the formats to which the volume can be normalized and other things that are associated with the topic.

Index(  )

  1. What are the formats that VLC can normalize the volume of the audio?
  2. How can you report the volume within VLC?
    1. Configuring the audio compressor
    2. From the program preferences
  3. How can you normalize the volume of the voices in this program?

What are the formats that VLC can normalize the volume of the audio?

There are some media players that cannot normalize the audio when opening files of a certain kind of format. However, one of the best things about VLC is that no matter how strange the file format is, the program is capable of normalizing it .

Now, in order to normalize the volume of a file within VLC , the player needs to be able to read the file. These are the formats that VLC is capable of opening:

  • MOV
  • FLAC
  • MP3
  • PVA
  • ST
  • $
  • IS
  • MPEG-2
  • WAV
  • OGG
  • MP4
  • flv
  • AVI
  • ASF

Those formats mentioned above are some of the formats that can be opened by the VLC program for computers. However, by installing a couple of extra things, the program is capable of opening other files with different types of extensions. In case you did not know, VLC cannot be installed only on Windows, but on Mac it can also be installed .

If you don’t have VLC on your computer with a Mac operating system, you have to download it, since as you may have noticed, this program can open many files in different formats. With such a program there is even a way to play multiple songs and videos in one instance .

How can you report the volume within VLC?

Knowing what formats VLC is capable of playing, all you need to do is see how the sound is reported within VLC. By putting the sound in a report you will be able to listen to the audio of your favorite videos to your favorite songs without damaging the audio.

Configuring the audio compressor

With the audio compressor there is a way to smooth out the audio in VLC so it doesn’t hurt your ears. Pay attention to what you have to do:

  1. turn on your computer
  2. Find a video or song and open it
  3. Then, in the options at the bottom of the player you are going to look for one that has the shape of a mixer. When you find it, press it
  4. In the ‘Effects and filters’ window, go to the ‘Compressor’ section
  5. Check the ‘Enable’ box, adjust some detail if you see it necessary
  6. To finish, just hit the ‘Save’ option so that the settings are stored in the VLC database

If you want to enjoy the latest media player features , what you should do is to download the latest version of VLC . By having the latest version of the program installed on your computer, you will see each of the improvements that have been made to VLC and you will be able to use them without any complications.

From the program preferences

To make VLC audio smooth from preferences, what you need to do is follow the below process :

  1. Turn on the computer and open VLC
  2. Play a video or song
  3. Go to the top of the player
  4. Press the ‘Tools’ option and select the ‘Preferences’ sub-option
  5. In the window that will appear, press the ‘Audio’ section
  6. Check the option that says ‘Always reset audio levels to’
  7. Select the audio level you want the player to have when you open it
  8. Finally, what you have to do is press the button that says ‘Save’

This makes it possible to put the audio evenly in VLC so that the volume does not affect your ears. With this level of audio, your ears will not be harmed by the sound at all. Now, when choosing the volume level it is recommended that you leave the VLC between 70% and 90% so that the volume is not so high .

How can you normalize the volume of the voices in this program?

The volume of audio voices within VLC can be normalized by taking into account the ‘Equalizer’ function. To normalize the volume of the voices, what you should do is lower the volume on the player and raise the bass a little on VLC. To lower the volume you just have to go to the right side in the lower part of VLC and lower the audio level from there.

When it comes to turning up the bass in the audio from the equalizer , you have to do what is explained in the following and last process:

  1. Open VLC
  2. Add a video or a song
  3. Press the icon with the mixers to open the equalizer
  4. Check the ‘Enable’ box
  5. Now, the two mixers that are on the left hand side are going to be turned up a bit to increase the bass and so that the voices in the audio do not sound as much
  6. For the changes to be saved, hit ‘Save’ and that’s it


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