How to see blocked sites

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Are you trying to unblock sites over and over and in vain to bypass blocked sites and access a website and your patience has now reached its limit?
If the answer is “yes”, don’t blame the computer or smartphone, but instead learn how to unblock a site and see blocked sites .

It is possible, in fact, that certain sites cannot be visited for the most disparate reasons: some sites may be blocked by the administrator of the school or office servers, while other sites are subject to territorial limitations, not to mention those sites subject to various governmental restrictions. To unblock the sites you need some precautions.

Bypass blocked sites

As we will see together, who knows what computer skills are not required to bypass blocked sites . Anyone, with a little effort, may be able to unblock restricted sites . If you are tired of not being able to connect to your favorite websites, do not miss this article that will tell you how to unblock a site .

Contents of the article

  • How to see blocked sites: everything you need to know.
  • See blocked sites: 3 methods
  • How to unblock a site? Be the first to unlock!
  • Privacy is a right, stay informed to make sure it continues to be

How to see blocked sites: everything you need to know.

Without going into too much technical aspects, there are various solutions to be able to see blocked sites subject to local or regional restrictions.

Be careful though, some steps are delicate and require a minimum of attention so as not to risk compromising some features of your PC.

Unblock sites

Here’s how to unblock a site , all methods, from the easiest to the most complex:

  • Changing DNS servers: before seeing in detail how to change them, let’s do some general information for those who have never heard of them. DNS is an acronym, and stands for “ Domain Name System”, or “domain name system”. In other words, they consist of a numerical digit which, in programming language, is used to establish a connection between two devices, such as a computer and a server, i.e. DNS allows you to translate web addresses into IP addresses and vice versa. For example, if you use the original DNS of your Italian telephone operator to see a site blocked by the Italian authorities, you will not be able to access it. Using other DNS instead, perhaps replacing them with those of Google that do not provide limitations, you can finallybypass blocked sites . How you do it?

Simple steps using DNS

  1. Take note of the replacement DNS, such as those of Google or alternatively those of Open DNS, which are respectively: Primary DNS Server:, Secondary DNS Server: (Google DSN) and Primary DNS Server: , Secondary DNS Server: (Open DSN).
  2. Open the “Control Panel” by searching for it on the bar to the left of the “Start” button, click on “Network and Internet” and then again on “Network and Sharing Center”. Select the connection you are actually using, a window should open. At this point, look for the “Properties” button and click on it.
  3. We are almost there: click twice on “Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4)” and check the option “Use the following DNS server addresses”. You should now have 2 fields to fill in, “Preferred DNS Server” and “Alternate DNS Server”. In the first you will have to type the address of the primary DNS server, while in the second you will have to type the address of the secondary DNS server that you had previously chosen.
  4. Double click “OK” to save the operations, and finally click “Close”.

See blocked sites: 3 methods

1- Use a Web Proxy

Use Web Proxy. “Proxy” is the term used in computer science to name a server that is used as an intermediary between 2 devices that try to connect to each other. Also in this case, to see the blocked sites you will not need to be a computer brain, there are in fact services ready to use.

The best ones currently out there are me and FilterBypass . How to use them? Simple, connect to their site and follow the navigation instructions, the interface is really intuitive. A flaw of this service is its slow speed.

2- Use a VPN

Use a VPN. What is a VPN? Again it is an acronym, and stands for Virtual Private Network . Do you know how a filter works? At an IT level, the VPN is just that: a sort of “filter” between the visitor’s computer server and that of the website visited.

This service is very useful for seeing the sites blocked by restrictions that are more difficult to overcome with the other methods already analyzed. In a nutshell, VPN services are able to disguise your computer’s IP address making it look like a full-fledged foreign IP. Some of the best known VPN services are Hotspot Shiled , and TunnelBear , especially for the fact that they are available for free in Standard and are also compatible with both Windows and Mac.


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3- Use Tor Browser

Use TOR Browser. In recent years everyone has been talking about it, but what does it consist of? Acronym for The Onion Router , it is an anonymous communication system based on the second generation of the onion routing network protocol .

This system is the one that guarantees the best results. It is no coincidence that it is widely used in those countries where dictatorial regimes exist that prevent the display of certain contents. How to use it? Again the steps are very simple:

  1. In case you are not already using it, download and install Mozilla Firefox, “base” for TOR Browser.
  2. Download TOR Browser from the official website (it’s free) and install it.
  3. Once installed, use TOR as a normal browser: in this way you can finally bypass blocked sitesthat you could not access.

How to unblock a site? Be the first to unlock!

As we have seen, being able to see blocked sites is not that difficult, it is up to you to be able to bypass blocked sites. It is useless to punch your PC, this will not let you access your favorite site.

Instead, arm yourself with a little patience and put into practice the instructions in the previous paragraph, you will see that it will not take long.

Why give up your favorite sites when the solution is literally just a click away? It is your right to be able to see what you like best so why not learn how to bypass blocked sites  once and for all?

Unfortunately, given the bad turn that our society is taking, the enemy of censorship is always lurking around the corner and soon the blocked sites will begin to be several.

Privacy is a right, stay informed to make sure it continues to be

Here you can find my reference articles on anonymous browsing , stay informed, don’t get fooled:

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