How to see who viewed a post on Facebook

How to create your own hashtag on Instagram

Ever since you joined Facebook , the world’s most popular social network, you’ve been sharing posts with your friends. Speaking of which, you’re happy to have your own online space to post everything about you, however you’re wondering how to see who’s viewed a post on Facebook . In fact, obtaining this information would help you understand how many friends like or dislike a certain content you have shared.

How do you say? This is exactly how things are and, although you make daily use of the social network, do you think you have no idea how to do it? In that case don’t worry, I’m here to help. In fact, in the next chapters of this tutorial of mine, I will provide you with all the useful information on the subject, showing you step by step how to implement some useful operations for the purpose you set yourself to achieve, acting as a smartphone and tablet but also as a PC.

So, are you ready to get started? Yup? Perfect: sit nice and comfortable, take all the time you need to concentrate on reading the next paragraphs and, more importantly, implement the “tips” that I will give you. I’m sure that, by following my instructions, you will at least be able to get an idea of ​​the type of users who view the content you post on Facebook. I wish you happy reading and I wish you a big good luck for everything!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to see who has seen a post on Facebook
    • See who has seen a post on the Facebook profile
    • See who saw a post on the Facebook page
  • See who has viewed a Story on Facebook
    • From smartphones and tablets
    • From computer

Preliminary information

Before explaining how to see who has viewed a post on Facebook, I must provide you with some useful preliminary information, explaining what information can be obtained and, conversely, what data is not obtainable, using the native features made available by the social network founded by Mark Zuckerberg.

You must, in fact, know that Facebook does not offer an ad hoc function that allows you to have a list with all the names and surnames of those who have viewed a shared content on their profile .

Despite this, however, it is possible to know which and how many users have reached a shared content in the posts of their Facebook profile , based on the privacy settings, as well as on the interactions with multimedia or textual content.

As for the text or multimedia content published on your Facebook page , however, you can use the dedicated analysis tools, which allow you to know how many people the published content has reached.

Otherwise, as regards the Stories , it is possible to know exactly who viewed the contents you share in them, using the appropriate functionality of the social network.

All the operations mentioned, as I will explain in this tutorial, can be performed from a smartphone or tablet, using the Facebook app for Android (downloadable from the Play Store or from alternative stores ) and iOS / iPadOS , as well as from PC , via the Facebook’s official website or by using its application for Windows 10 and later. Read on to find out more.

How to see who has seen a post on Facebook

Given the above premises, if you want to know who has seen a post you have published on your Facebook profile or on your Facebook page , all you have to do is continue reading, to find all the information on how to proceed, from smartphones and tablets. as well as from a PC.

See who has seen a post on the Facebook profile

To see who has seen a post on your profile Facebook need to do first of all refer to the privacy settings , functionality you need to know if a content that you post is visible to your friends from Facebook or you can be seen by all and, therefore, public.

Therefore,  log in to Facebook via its app for smartphones and tablets, or log in from the official website and tap on your profile picture .

Now, locate the post of your interest, so you can see the privacy icon corresponding to it. For example, the symbol of men means that the post has been shared with friends while the ‘ icon of the globe indicates that post you post is visible to all .

In the face of this, you can intervene by adjusting the privacy of the post in question: press on the symbol (…) at the top right and press on the Edit privacy item (from smartphones and tablets) or on the Edit public button (from PC). Finally, select the privacy setting that you prefer (eg Friends ), in order to automatically apply the saving of the changes.

Even when you publish a new post you can make this type of choice: press on the text field What are you thinking? , select the symbol () next to the privacy option, to change it, choosing to show the post only to friends , for example. The change will also apply to posts that will be published in the future (subject to further changes by you).

You can also adjust the privacy of past posts, so that all text and / or multimedia content previously visible to Everyone is shared only with Friends .

To do this, acting from smartphone and tablet, go to the section Settings and privacy> Settings> Posts> Limit who can see old posts and tap on the item Limit past posts for two consecutive times. From a PC, on the other hand, proceed from the Settings and privacy> Settings> Privacy menu and confirm the operation by pressing the Limit past posts button twice in a row.

For more information on this, refer to my tutorial in which I tell you about all the options available to you to regulate Facebook privacy .

Alternatively, if you want to know more about which and how many people have seen a post you published on Facebook , you can simply refer to the reactions of users and any comments .

Therefore, after identifying the post you have published, press on the number of people who have liked (or another interaction) or who have commented , to see the list of those who have seen the content in question, interacting with it. same.

See who saw a post on the Facebook page

If you have a Facebook page , you can find out how many people have viewed text or multimedia content shared with your followers.

In fact, to see who has viewed a post on a Facebook page from a smartphone or tablet , or from a computer,  log into your account and go to the page in question, selecting it via the side menu.

Now, click on the Post tab , locate the content of your interest and press the words People reached with the number of users who have seen the post.

Through the screen that is shown to you, in fact, you can know the number of people reached (i.e. the number of users who have seen the content) or  clicks on the post , a number that indicates how many users have actually clicked on the post, showing that they are interested. to its content.

See who has viewed a Story on Facebook

I conclude this guide by explaining briefly how to see who has viewed a Story on Facebook . In this case, in fact, unlike what has been explained in the previous chapters in relation to posts , it is possible to know exactly the names of those who viewed the content you published.

From smartphones and tablets

To proceed from smartphone and tablet , access Facebook from its app and press the Your Story tab located in the Stories section (on the main screen).

Then tap on Views : as if by “magic”, you will be shown the name and surname of the users who have viewed your Story . Easier than that?

In this regard, in case of doubts or problems, or if you need more information on how Stories on Facebook work , read my guide dedicated to the topic.

From computer

To proceed from a computer ,  access Facebook from its  login page  (or from its  official app for Windows 10 and later versions) and presses on the Your story box located in the Stories section (on the main screen).

Then, click on the item Views at the bottom left and, in the menu displayed at the bottom, you will be shown the list of users who have seen the contents of the Story with their names and surnames.

For more information on how Stories work on Facebook , in case of doubts or problems, or to learn more about this Facebook feature , read my guide dedicated to the topic.

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