Windows 11: tricks you must know to be a PRO

Windows 11 is already a reality, it has entered our homes to stay a season and that is why we bring you the best tricks for Windows 11 and functions that you can use to fully master the new Microsoft operating system.

Index of contents

  • Bringing the Start Menu to the Left
  • Dictation function, set it up to save time
  • Record your desktop screen
  • Hide your desktop icons easily
  • Activate the night light
  • Minimize a screen by shaking
  • Results of your latest searches
  • Copy and paste. New features in Windows 11
  • Translator and calculator in the start menu
  • Share your internet connection with Windows 11

Bringing the Start Menu to the Left

If you are from the old school and you don’t like the new central menu in Windows 11, you can change the location of it, so that your experience in the new Operating System is similar to that of Windows 10.

To access the change, all you have to do is access “Personalization” that you can find within the Windows 11 settings, then access “Taskbar” continuing with ” Taskbar behavior” in “Alignment of the taskbar ” where you can change it to left-centered.

Dictation function, set it up to save time

It has happened to all of us and we just got tired of writing. That is why this function is yours and I am sure you will get a lot of use out of it. This function allows us to use the voice command, for this we must press the Windows key + H on our keyboard and the dictation function will appear.

When we click on the microphone icon, a voice recognition will appear that we must do for a good configuration.

You can also activate automatic scoring that helps detect pauses. In this way it will add semicolons in our text. To access this function you must activate it within Dictation Settings .

Record your desktop screen

This trick can be very useful in some moments, recording the screen through the Windows operating system can help us to avoid extra programs on our computers. That is why I explain how to record the screen with the new Windows 11. 

To start recording your screen or window, what you have to do is press the Windows + G keys on your keyboard at the same time. Xbox Game Bar will be reflected on your screen, where within this you will find a button to activate the Capture widget, which will allow us to record our screen. Eye! You will not be able to record the screen on the desktop or in the file explorer, but you can in the other places.

Hide your desktop icons easily

An orderly desk is an orderly mind. If you are one of those people who does not like to have any icon on the desktop and have everything completely clean, or a very messy person, but needs to record the screen, this is your trick.

To hide the icons you must “Click on the wallpaper” Enter the “View” option then deactivate the “Show desktop icons” option And that’s it! With this you can hide your icons without having to delete them.

To be able to activate them again, you will only have to do the same procedure.

Activate the night light

Windows 11 allows us to have a night light system, thus allowing us to activate warmer colors on our screen at certain times. This light helps us to rest our eyes on the screen, as well as being ideal to place it at night.

To be able to activate this night light, all you have to do is:

Access the “Windows Settings” Enter the “System” click on “Screen” and activate “Night light function” within this function you can decide its intensity and the hours at which it is activated.

Minimize a screen by shaking

Windows 11 offers us the possibility of minimizing windows that we are not using with a stir. Something very useful and undoubtedly very dynamic for users. To be able to do this, you just have to press the left mouse button and make a shaking movement and here the magic happens. The rest of the screens that you are not using at the moment will be minimized. In order to access this function you must have it activated within “System” “Multimedia” and in “Shake title bar in windows” .

Results of your latest searches

A very useful function is certainly being able to access the latest search results.

To be able to access this data we have it easier than ever since we can find it within the task bar.

In this function, forget about clicking the mouse, because without having to click on the magnifying glass, you will be able to access it in a much easier way.

Copy and paste. New features in Windows 11

It has happened that the simple fact of copying and pasting can become a suffering, since it only allows us one element. But this is finished with the new function that the Windows 11 operating system brings us.

Now we have the possibility to copy several elements by expanding the Copy Paste. This is a history of the clipboard where we will find more elements that we have copied. These elements can be texts or images.

To access this function you have to press on our keyboard Windows + V

Translator and calculator in the start menu

Within the start menu we have the possibility of some quick functions such as using the translator or the calculator directly from our search engine.

To be able to use this quick function, all we have to do is press the “Windows” key on our keyboard and write a mathematical operation, and it will show us the result. If we want to use the translator we must write in the search engine for example “Good morning translator” and it will automatically translate the phrase in the language we want.

Share your internet connection with Windows 11

Today we need the internet like eating, that is why this trick will save our lives on many occasions. Windows 11 allows us to share our internet connection to another device, using the main router device allowing internet access.

In order to share your connection you must access the operating system settings, enter “Network and Internet” within this access “Mobile wireless coverage area”

I recommend changing the name and password of the network that we are going to create in the “Edit” function . Once all this is done, we must activate the function so that the connection appears from the other devices.

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