How to fix Wi-Fi problems on iOS 15

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iOS 15 is available for a large list of devices. The iPhone 6S, released in 2015, can be upgraded to iOS 15. It won’t get all the features the iPhone 13 will get, but is still eligible for all iOS 15 upgrades. All iPhone models from iPhone 6S to iPhone 13. will be able to upgrade to iOS 15, but it won’t be the same for everyone. The only unifying factor is mistakes; most iPhone users will encounter the same errors.

Troubleshooting Wi-Fi Issues in iOS 15

IPhone users who have updated to iOS 15 are having problems connecting to a Wi-Fi network. Some users have had problems with Bluetooth as well as getting a network signal. If you’re having Wi-Fi issues after upgrading to iOS 15, please try to fix it below.

1. Turn on airplane mode.

Try switching Airplane Mode on your iPhone. Swipe down from the top-right corner and open Control Center. Tap the Airplane switch to turn it on and wait a few minutes. Turn off airplane mode and check if you can connect to a Wi-Fi network.

2. Restart your iPhone.

The iPhone reboots when the update is installed, but if you have any problems, it is always a good idea to reboot your device.

  1. Press the volume up button and then the volume down button.
  2. Press and hold the sleep / wake button.
  3. Move the power slider.

If your iPhone has a Home button;

  1. Press and hold the sleep / wake button.
  2. Move the power slider.

3. Forget and reconnect to the network.

If you can’t connect to a Wi-Fi network and this is the network you usually connect to, forget about the network and connect to it again. Make sure you are near the router.

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Tap Wi-Fi.
  3. Tap the i iconnext to your network.
  4. Click Forget This Network.
  5. Select the network again.
  6. Enterpassword for it and connect.

4. Reset network settings.

Reset network settings on your iPhone. You won’t lose any data, but you will need to reconnect your Bluetooth devices and connect to Wi-Fi networks.

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Choose General> Transfer or Reset iPhone> Reset.
  3. Tap Reset network settings.

5. Install iOS updates.

iOS 15 has been out for a long time and iOS 15.1 is now available. If your device has problems after updating, please install the following as well. This will fix the problems.

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Go to General> Software Update.
  3. Find and install an available update.


If you have a new iPhone case, check to see if it is interfering with the connection. IPhone cases can sometimes cause problems, especially if your iPhone is old. In this regard, make sure your phone is charged if it’s old. An old phone with a low battery level may have problems maintaining a wireless connection. If you have a new iPhone, i.e. iPhone 13, it might be worth checking it out with Apple.


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