How to change the name with which you appear in WhatsApp mentions

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We may need to change the name we use in WhatsApp mentions , which appears mostly in groups. The usual problem is that someone mentions us and a different name comes up than we would like, because we probably chose it a long time ago.

First of all, we must explain how the names of the mentions work: they are based on the telephone number and, as a first option, that person appears to each person as they have it saved in the agenda , that is, there is no unique name .

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For example, the person making the mention could see “@Miguel Regueira” if he has the contact, while another member of the group would see “@Miguel Grupo Informático” if he has chosen that name in the agenda.

We will clarify that no one sees in the mention the name that we have a person on the agenda , only ourselves. So we can be calm if we have used an informal nickname, it is not necessary to change the name in the contacts for that.

Therefore, it is only possible to change the name that those who do not have us on the agenda see , which will be shown in the group mentions. We can modify it in the WhatsApp settings, from the profile.

We must not confuse the profile name with the “info” section of WhatsApp, the old state, where a phrase that identifies us or an availability notice is usually put (“Call the mobile if I do not answer”).

With this clear, we are going to see the steps to change our name in the WhatsApp profile , which is the one that affects the mentions:

  1. From the “Chats” tab we go to the upper 3-point menu and in the drop-down we choose “Settings” :
  1. Within the settings we will click on the header of the upper area , where the photo, name and phrase of “info” appear:
  1. Now we go to the “Name” section and we touch the icon of a pencil that appears on the right:
  1. It only remains to write the name that we want to appear in the mentions and click on “Save” to finish:

If we want to go deeper, we have explained how to change the profile photo, name and status of WhatsApp , since it is usual to modify all three things at the same time.

Basically, this process is the same as the one followed to personalize the name in WhatsApp groups , since the same option is used, which is applied in the mentions.

We must remember that in no case are we going to change the username (“username”) of the account, since WhatsApp does not use this system, the identifier of the users on the platform is always the mobile phone number.

In conclusion, it is a good idea to change the name of the WhatsApp mentions if the one we have does not convince us , but being aware that in most cases other people will see the mention with the name assigned to us in the agenda of contacts.

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